Additional information about our data protection policy

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

  • Document number: B18379735
  • Postal Address: Calle CÓRDOBA, 11, POL IND. LA FUENTE, CP 18340 FUENTE VAQUEROS, Granada
  • Telephone: 958 447 210
  • Email: [email protected]

For what purpose do we treat your personal data?

  • Comply with the duty of information and / or obtaining consent required by the new European regulations for the protection of personal data, or any other legally established obligation.
  • Manage queries, requests for information, budgets, requests, responding and answering them.
  • Manage the provision of services, orders or products related to our commercial and economic activity.
  • In the event that you send us your resume or enroll in the different job offers that we can publish, we will process your data in order to assess and manage your job application and, where appropriate, carry out the necessary actions for the selection and hiring of staff, in order to offer positions that fit your profile. Unless otherwise indicated, the contribution of the required data is necessary, so its non-contribution will impede the continuity of the selection process.
  • Only in the event that you have expressly consented to it in advance, we will also process your data for the sending of commercial communications of our products or services, unless you express your will against it by any means. In any case, the authorization to process your data for this purpose is voluntary and your refusal would only result in the fact that you would not receive commercial offers of our products or services.

How long will we process your data?

The personal data you provide us will be kept as long as the current contractual / commercial relationship is maintained, or for a period of four years from the last business relationship following the regulations for tax purposes.

However, only in the case that you have given us the consent for commercial communications, our entity will continue to retain its information for the sending of said commercial communications that we consider to be of interest, as long as its deletion is not requested by the interested party. Subsequently, the data will be deleted in accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations which implies its blocking, being available only at the request of judges and courts, the Prosecutor’s Office or the competent Public Administrations during the period of limitation of the actions that could derive and, after this, its complete elimination. You can always exercise the rights that are recognized by current regulations by contacting you through the most convenient way.

Why do we process your data?

  1. The legal basis to process your personal data may vary according to the above purposes, among which are:
  2. The application of pre-contractual measures, or the contractual relationship itself for the provision of the requested service based on the execution of the service contract necessary for the conduct of the business operation.
  3. Your express consent as your own and main interested party, for example possible commercial communications or for the collection and treatment of curriculum in possible processes of selection of the entity.
  4. Legitimate interest of the entity to meet the information requirements, customer loyalty, query resolution and improve the quality of our products and services to serve you in a more personalised way.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

As a general rule, your data will not be communicated to any third party, except legal obligations in force. In any case that this possibility changes, you will be duly informed requesting your consent for such assignment. We inform you that international transfers will not be made.

No obstante, le informamos que para la correcta prestación de los servicios (véase, alojamiento web, soporte, email marketing, etc.), distintos prestadores de servicios contratados por nuestra entidad (encargados del tratamiento) podrían tener acceso a la información personal necesaria para realizar sus funciones y con el único objetivo de garantizar el correcto desarrollo de la relación contractual y/o comercial y dar cumplimiento a obligaciones legales de la entidad.

These services provided by third parties are necessary for the development of our activity and, at all times, the processing of the data they carry out is governed by a contract that binds the person in charge with respect to our entity. In no case will they use the information for other purposes and will treat it in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by our entity, in accordance with their privacy policy and current regulations on data protection.

Our entity, in its commitment to the privacy and protection of User data, will only choose service providers that offer sufficient guarantees to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, so that the treatment is in accordance with the applicable legislation on data protection and guarantee the protection of the rights of the User.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation if we are treating personal data that concerns them or not. In this regard, you have the right to request:

Access: the interested party will have the right to obtain confirmation from the person responsible for the treatment of whether or not the data concerning them is being treated, as well as detailed information about certain aspects of the treatment being carried out:o.
Rectification: the interested party will have the right to obtain the rectification of the inaccurate personal data that concerns him or that those that were incomplete are completed.

Deletion: the interested party will have the right to request the deletion of their personal data, in any case the deletion will be subject to the limits established in the regulatory standard.

Limitation of your treatment: the interested party will have the right to request the limitation regarding the processing of their personal data.
Rejection to the treatment: in certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their datas. The entity will stop processing the data, except for legitimate, compelling reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

Right to the portability of your data: that is, you will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns you, that you have provided to a person in charge of the treatment, in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading and to transmit them to another person in charge of the treatments.
You may exercise the aforementioned rights, addressing the person in charge. To do this, you can use the contact information provided at the beginning of this document. If you wish to obtain additional information regarding the exercise of your rights, you can also contact the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Likewise, we inform you that if you deem it appropriate, you have the right to withdraw, at any time, the consent granted for any specific purpose, without affecting the legality of the treatment, based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In case you understand that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you may file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid.